A Dozen Ways to Hack Your Brain to Write Fluently

Dan AllenOpenDevise

Get the ball rolling

child rolling ball
bowling ball approaching pins


write on blank page
jar gathering stars wide
racing home


compass notebook

Answer a question

whats happening


What software do I need?
You only need Node 10 or better.
You can install it using nvm.

 $ nvm install 10

Node includes npm.

Reply with links

point at screen

Tell your story in HEADLINES

scanning headlines

Use a content fly trap

sundew fly trap

Instantly Better Presentations


Open with the action

james bond opening ski jump

Ventilate your prose

== Soft Wrap

In traditional prose, you cram all sentences together on a single line. This makes rearranging the sentences very tedious. It's also difficult to judge the length of each sentence.
== Hard Wrap

Another approach is to hard wrap prose at a fixed
column width like you do when programming. This
style looks rather unnatural and forces frequent
== Ventilated

In ventilated prose, you start each sentence on its own line.
This style is similar to how you write code.
Using this technique has transformed how I write and think.
== Ventilated

In ventilated prose, you start each sentence on its own line.
This style is similar to how you write code.

Using this technique has transformed how I write and think.
== Ventilated

In ventilated prose, you start each sentence on its own line.
// This style is similar to how you write code.

Using this technique has transformed how I write and think.

Pair up

all work and no play
Teletype for Atom
teletype portals
Keeps Keystrokes in Sync
teletype portals linenums
Coordinate Using Line Numbers

Do a couch read

couch read

Write like yourself

discover embrace be you
banish your inner critic

Write in AsciiDoc

asciidoctor logo white
= Write Without Pain
Author Name <author@example.org>

A paragraph is just a paragraph.
No pain involved.

== Belgium in a nutshell

image::central-station.jpg[Central Station]

* Beer
* Chocolate
* http://devoxx.be[Devoxx]
= Document Code Without Pain
Author Name <author@example.org>

Code is a first-class citizen!

println "AsciiDoc is code friendly!"

TIP: Use the include directive to import tested code.
  1. Get the ball rolling
  2. Prewrite
  3. Keep a WORKLOG
  4. Answer a question
  5. Reply with links
  6. Tell your story in headlines
  7. Use a content fly trap
  8. Open with the action
  9. Ventilate your prose
  10. Pair up
  11. Do a couch read
  12. Write like yourself

A Dozen Ways to Hack Your Brain to Write Fluently
(in AsciiDoc)

Thank You!

Slides & Transcript: gitlab.com/opendevise/talks/brain-hacks-to-write-fluently